Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Site Location

Technically, I didn't move the "site" itself - but I was having trouble keeping up with everything so I've started posting my 365 images at Xanga, where I have a lot more tools going on (that I actually use). I am much more involved in the community there, so that's where I've been spending most of my time.

If you'd like to continue to follow my 365 project, feel free to come visit at Christy Grimes @Xanga.

For those blogs that I follow via blogger, I've set up RSS in Outlook to automatically update me. =) It's not that I'll never visit blogger or update here - it's just that I know I won't be updating my own blogger blog frequently but you can read me somewhere else and I wanted to share that.

Love to all!

Monday, February 8, 2010

123/365: Yum.

 Need I say more? If you've had this stuff, I don't. If you haven't - well, YUM. LOL Not so much on bread tho - but with pretzels, or a spoonful with a banana to dip in it...YUM. LOL
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

122/365: There's a first time for everything...

 ...that's what I've been told (and experienced). This is a picture of Jesse's first time sitting in his high chair. He was not impressed. He'd rather have been in my lap I guess - so he could try to put his hands in my food, no doubt. I don't think he's ready for baby food yet - not totally, but he's beginning to show signs. =) Exciting times. Next week he'll be in high school.
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

121/365: Chloe Naps

 Chloe naps. That's what Chloe always does. She is never NOT napping. OK, except when she is eating. Or going outside to potty. Or barking at something that isn't there. Otherwise, she is napping. Always. Lucky dog.... LOL
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Friday, February 5, 2010

120/365: Nap with Bear

 One of Jesse's favorite things is this plastic bear that hangs from his play mat. Sometimes he falls asleep holding on to it, but his arm had fallen down by the time I took this picture. LOL
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Thursday, February 4, 2010

119/365: Caramel Macchiato in the Afternoon

 And, out of a bottle, as well. LOL This is not the original Starbucks' creation - this is coffee I made and to it I added some of the new International Delights creamer-like flavorings; obviously, I used Caramel Macchiato. I didn't really think I would like it but the store I went to had only two flavors - this and french vanilla (and Lord knows I'm sick of vanilla anything at this point...). I needed an afternoon pick-me-up. The hour long nap I managed to squeeze in seemed to only make me feel worse, while usually opposite is the case.

AnyWHO. I was so lazy yesterday - so TIRED, and this is the only picture I took (didn't even upload until the next day!) so... Maybe today I will get a better one? Or not - it is miserable and gloomy and POURING outside - AGAIN. LOL

Happy Friday...

Oh yes - I took this photo with my cell phone, and I added a texture overlay to this in PS to suit the mood I was in and knocked the opacity down in order to bring out the coffee a bit.
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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

118/365: The Sewing Room

 This is a shot of one side of my Mom's sewing room. I told you guys it was awesome - she's got all kinds of fun stuff in there. What's really stupid is I have no idea (or interest) in sewing or quilting or whatever else she does. My crafty limit is scrapbooking and photography, maybe a little web design or font work. LOL My mom's like the most awesome seamstress within miles of...anywhere. LOL

This actually was my bedroom. Haha! LOL See what happens when you move out? They just move right on without you. I hope I can do that when Jesse leaves home. I have at least 18 years to not worry about that, though. Gosh - that's got to be hard even though it's happy...
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

117/365: Drowning

 Jeremy actually took this picture, but whatever. LOL Hubs doesn't care - it was a screw-up, anyway. It suits me today, though. This is how I've felt all morning whilst dealing with financial issues.

This was one of the worst days ever in the sense of finances and one of our lowest points. Somehow we went to bed smiling and not worried - maybe because of the comfort of friends, the fact that we did get our taxes filed by the end of the day, or maybe just because of each other. That was nice, considering I felt like I was struggling to hold my head above water all day long - and even thought I had drowned a couple of times.
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